"I dream't I dwelt in marble halls"
Devoted to the histories and current state of the great mansions of America's Gilded Age.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hydrangeas: A Hamptons Classic

A Hamptons summer cottage during the Gilded Age with it's entrance dotted with hydrangeas.
There are certain things that when encountered will always remind you of a Hamptons Summer. The sound and smell of the ocean, blue and white interiors, vast green lawns surrounded by privet hedges and those wonderful billowing plants that are so much a part of summer landscapes—the classic hydrangea.

To read the rest of the story visit Dan's Papers.

To read more about the great classic homes of the Hamptons read Houses of the Hamptons 1880-1930 by Gary Lawrance & Anne Surchin. 2007/2013.

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