I have never been able to find an expression in words for the majestic simplicity and beauty of the new house, which is so satisfying, so thrilling in its loveliness that it sometimes brings tears my eyes when I see it in the moonlight.
This was from a letter which Eva Stotesbury wrote to her Architect, Horace Trumbauer upon moving into the magnificent 140 room mansion called " Whitemarsh Hall". Tears of sadness would now come to her eyes if she saw that very little today remains of her home, demolished in the 1980's after being ravaged by vandals and set on fire.
Tears of sadness come to MY eyes over this loss and I never even had a chance to see it much less to live in it!
As beautiful as it may have been, in fact wasn't it honestly such a terrible waste of money. It's sad that it was truely built just to impress and not to really live in as a family home.
It is a waste of money, i mean how can it not be? Because the person who bought it possibly one of my ancestors must of spent One Million in any currency at least.
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