"I dream't I dwelt in marble halls"
Devoted to the histories and current state of the great mansions of America's Gilded Age.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Books about "GILDED AGE" Mansions and Families: Society & Social History


Karena said...

Gary have you read it yet? Fabulous cover.

Art by Karena

Kimmy said...

This is quite a lovely keepsake. Whenever I visit any of the mansions of old I always buy a hardcover of the home itself and never have I had the pleasure of purchasing one with a very appealing cover such as this one.
It would be absolutely beautiful as a painting.

Gary Lawrance said...

Yes Karena, I really liked this book. Not all from the " Gilded Age of the past, has some beautiful photos.

Gary Lawrance said...

Hi Kimmy,

Love your blog! Yes, this is a contemporary photo of the Miller sisters. One is the current princess of Greece and one is married to a Getty and the other is married to another prince. Google Miller Sisters and get all the info! Yes, I too buy all those books when I visit a mansion museum, Will be putting more up all the time, just when you think you have every book, there's always more. This photo reminds me of a Sargent painting,one of my favorite artists along with Boldini. Another good new book is " The Society Portrait"

ChipSF said...

This beautiful cover reminds me of Joshua Reynolds' "The Waldegrave Sisters".

You have some great books suggested here - the Trumbauer is one of my favorites.

A few other favorites of mine:

"The Golden Age of American Gardens 1890 - 1940"

and from the West Coast

Gabriel Moulin's "The San Francisco Peninsula, Town and Country Houses 1910-1930"

Gary Lawrance said...

Yes, I have those too, both wonderful books!

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