"I dream't I dwelt in marble halls"
Devoted to the histories and current state of the great mansions of America's Gilded Age.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faded Newport

Click HERE for an article from Life magazine about the faded grandeur of Newport, Rhode Island from 1944.


Karena said...

Going off to read the article... sounds so intriguing!!

Art by Karena

ChipSF said...

Interesting but premature. Great picture of Armsea.

A Super Dilettante said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It's such a wonderful blog you've got on here. I feel like I've been transported back to a golden bygone era! You are a true kindred spirit!

ArchitectDesign™ said...

great article -thanks for pointing it out!

The Down East Dilettante said...

I have an original of this article, saved since I found it in my grandparent's attic years ago. Just love it.

Have you ever seen Nancy Sirkis' wonderful photo book from the early 60's, "Newport, Pleasures and Palaces"? Absolutely lovely pictures of all faces of Newport, including wonderful decay shots of since demolished mansions. If not, get your hands on a copy.

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