"I dream't I dwelt in marble halls"
Devoted to the histories and current state of the great mansions of America's Gilded Age.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Residence at Locust Valley of Mr. Louis Horowitz

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Please also look at comments for more information about the Horowitz mansion!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for including another post with additional photos of this grand mansion. The floor plans are very interesting--the enfilade of reception rooms must have been very impressive as well as the the portico along the rear facade! According to "Long Island Country Houses and their Architects, 1860-1940," the house was designed by Hunt & Hunt while the directory for the Locust Valley Historical Society includes a file with "details of the fire which destroyed" dated 12/7/1954. However, I've yet to determine the location of the estate. Have you found any additional information?

-- CDR from San Marino (formerly of New York City)

Gary Lawrance said...

Hi Anon,

It has always been a great mystery to me also. I always like to search for the estates that are little known.

I have posted a map from 1939, that shows where the property was located off of Skunks Misery Road in Locust Valley.The fire was also written up in the New York Times, December 8,1954 and the obituary of Louis J. Horowitz is also in the Times on December 3, 1956, which gives a good story of his life. I will have to stop by the library to see the article you mentioned. Thank you.

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